脊柱外科杂志  2022, Vol.20 Issue(5): 289-294   PDF    
沈晓龙, 徐辰, 吴卉乔, 钟华建, 王睿哲, 张一智, 张子凡, 刘洋, 王新伟, 陈华江, 袁文     
海军军医大学长征医院骨科,上海 200003
摘要: 目的 评价颈椎后路单侧显露通道辅助下椎管扩大椎板成形术治疗颈椎退行性疾病的临床效果。方法 2020年9月—2021年11月,采用椎管扩大椎板成形术治疗颈椎退行性疾病患者64例,其中36例采用颈椎后路单侧显露通道辅助进行手术(通道组),28例采用传统后路进行手术(对照组)。记录2组患者手术时间、住院时间、术中出血量、术后引流量等指标及并发症发生情况。于术前、术后即刻、术后2个月及末次随访时采用疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分评估颈部和上肢疼痛程度,采用颈椎功能障碍指数(NDI)和日本骨科学会(JOA)评分评估神经功能状况。结果 所有手术顺利完成。所有患者随访3~16个月,平均7.8个月。术后未发生神经损伤、感染等并发症。2组手术时间、住院时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。通道组术中出血量和术后引流量均明显小于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。末次随访时2组颈痛VAS评分均较术前显著改善,且术后即刻、术后2个月通道组颈痛VAS评分低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组术后各时间点上肢痛VAS评分、NDI及JOA评分均较术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);各时间点组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 与常规术式相比,颈椎后路单侧显露通道辅助下椎管扩大椎板成形术能有效减轻铰链侧肌肉和韧带损伤,减少术中出血量、术后引流量及降低术后早期轴性颈痛发生率。
关键词: 颈椎    颈椎病    椎板成形术    减压术, 外科    
Treatment of cervical degenerative disease with unilateral exposure and channel assisted laminoplasty
Shen Xiaolong, Xu Chen, Wu Huiqiao, Zhong Huajian, Wang Ruizhe, Zhang Yizhi, Zhang Zifan, Liu Yang, Wang Xinwei, Chen Huajiang, Yuan Wen     
Department of Orthopaedics, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, Shanghai 200003, China
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of unilateral exposure and channel assisted laminoplasty in the treatment of cervical degenerative disease. Methods From September 2020 to November 2021, 64 patients with cervical degenerative diseases were treated by laminoplasty. Among them, 36 patients were operated with unilateral exposure and channel assisted(channel group), and 28 patients were operated via traditional posterior approach (control group). Operation time, hospital stay, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage volume and complications were recorded in 2 groups. At preoperation, immediately postoperative, postoperative 2 months and the final follow-up, the visual analogue scale(VAS) score was used to evaluate the intensity of pain in the neck and upper limbs, neck disability index(NDI) and Japanese Orthopedic Association(JOA) score were used to evaluate the neurological function. Results All the operations were successfully completed. Patients were followed up for 3 - 16 months, with an average of 7.8 months. No postoperative complications such as nerve injury and infection occurred. There was no significant difference in operation time and hospital stay between the 2 groups(P > 0.05). The intraoperative blood loss and postoperative drainage volume in the channel group were significantly lower than those in the control group, all with a statistical difference(P < 0.05). At the final follow-up, the VAS scores of neck pain in the 2 groups were significantly improved compared with those before operation, and the VAS scores of neck pain in the channel group immediately after operation and at postoperative 2 months were lower than those in the control group(P < 0.05). The VAS score of upper limb pain, NDI and JOA score of the 2 groups were significantly improved at each time point after operation, all with a statistical significance(P < 0.05);but there was no significant difference between the 2 groups at each time point(P > 0.05). Conclusion Compared with traditional operation, unilateral exposure and channel assisted laminoplasty can effectively relieve the muscle and ligament injury at the hinge side, reduce intraoperative blood loss and postoperative drainage volume, the incidence of early postoperative axial neck pain.
Key words: Cervical vertebrae    Cervical spondylosis    Laminoplasty    Decompression, surgical    


1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料

纳入标准:①年龄>30岁且<80岁;②确诊为MCSM、CSS、OPLL,并采用椎管扩大椎板成形术治疗;③均接受颈椎X线、CT三维重建及MRI检查且随访资料完整。排除标准:①严重骨质疏松;②强直性脊柱炎、类风湿关节炎等疾病;③颈椎畸形、外伤、感染、肿瘤等病史;④颈椎手术史。本研究纳入2020年9月—2021年11月符合上述标准的64例患者,其中36例采用颈椎后路单侧显露通道辅助进行手术(通道组),28例采用传统后路进行手术(对照组)。2组患者术前一般资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,表 1),具有可比性。2组手术均由同一组医师完成。

表 1 2组患者一般资料 Tab. 1 General data of 2 groups
1.2 手术方法

对照组患者全身麻醉后取俯卧位,取颈后正中切口切开皮肤,显露C3~7皮下筋膜,经棘突两侧骨膜下电刀分离肌肉,显露C3~7椎板及侧块内缘。在C3~7椎板右侧与侧块交界处用磨钻磨除表层骨皮质,开槽作为铰链侧;椎板左侧与侧块交界处用磨钻磨至内层骨皮质,用2 mm枪钳咬除剩余骨质,作为开门侧。用椎板夹持器夹持椎板并旋转,逐个掀开开门,使用ARCH钛板(强生,美国)固定于开门侧。常规生理盐水冲洗,放置负压引流管后关闭切口,术后48~72 h拔除引流管,术后第2天鼓励患者佩戴颈托下床活动。

通道组患者全身麻醉后取俯卧位,取颈后正中切口切开皮肤,显露C3~7皮下筋膜,手指触摸棘突左侧分叉处,电刀沿棘突左侧骨膜下剥离,显露C3~7椎板左侧及侧块内缘,磨钻磨至内层骨皮质,初步估计磨除的深度。于C3棘突右侧旁1.0~1.5 cm处,经椎旁肌直接穿刺置入可扩张通道(自主研发设计,两扩张叶片远端宽5 mm、近端宽8 mm;图 1a),通道可向头端、尾端倾斜移动。根据开门侧的预估深度,用3 mm磨钻头开槽制作铰链,完毕后取出通道。相同步骤处理C4~7椎板。开门侧用2 mm枪钳咬除剩余骨质,使之完全离断,用椎板夹持器夹持椎板并旋转,逐个开门。C3开门不需要切除C2/C3节段棘间韧带、棘上韧带等后方韧带结构,C7开门需要切除C7/T1节段棘间韧带、棘上韧带等后方韧带结构。使用ARCH钛板(强生,美国)固定开门侧。手术结束后,铰链侧肌肉韧带基本完好(图 1b)。

图 1 通道组术中通道置入 Fig. 1 Intraoperative channel placement in channel group a:术中置入自主研发设计的可扩张通道,磨钻于通道下制作铰链 b:术后铰链侧肌肉韧带基本完好 a: Self-developed expandable channel is inserted intraoperatively, and hinge is made by drill grinding under channel b: Muscle and ligaments on hinge side are basically intact after surgery
1.3 评价指标


1.4 统计学处理

采用SPSS 18.0软件对数据进行统计分析,符合正态分布的计量资料以x±s表示,患者一般情况比较采用χ2检验,组内手术前后数据比较采用重复测量方差分析,组间数据比较采用独立样本t检验。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

所有手术顺利完成。所有患者随访3~16个月,平均7.8个月。术后未发生神经损伤、感染等并发症。2组手术时间、住院时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,表 2)。通道组术中出血量和术后引流量均明显小于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,表 2)。末次随访时2组颈痛VAS评分均较术前显著改善,且术后即刻、术后2个月通道组颈痛VAS评分低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05,表 2)。2组术后各时间点上肢痛VAS评分、NDI及JOA评分均较术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,表 2);各时间点组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,表 2)。通道组典型病例影像学资料见图 2

表 2 2组疗效评估指标比较 Tab. 2 Comparison of efficacy indexes of 2 groups

图 2 通道组典型病例影像学资料 Fig. 2 Imaging data of a typical case in channel group a~d:术前侧位X线片、矢状位及横断面CT示颈椎OPLL,C5,6椎管内骨性占位 e~g:术前矢状位及横断面MRI示C5,6水平脊髓明显受压 h~k:术后侧位X线片、矢状位及横断面CT示C5,6椎管扩大,铰链骨槽位置理想 l~n:术后矢状位、横断面MRI示C5,6水平脊髓减压充分 a-d: Preoperative lateral roentgenograph, sagittal and cross-sectional CTs show cervical OPLL, bony mass in spinal canal of C5, 6 e-g: Preoperative sagittal and cross-sectional MRIs show obvious spinal cord compression at C5, 6 levels h-k: Postoperative lateral roentgenographs, sagittal and cross-sectional CTs show enlargement of C5, 6 spinal canals and ideal position of hinge bone slot l - n: Postoperative sagittal and cross-sectional MRIs show sufficient spinal decompression at C5, 6 levels
3 讨论




鉴于上述技术的不足之处,本研究组提出颈椎后路单侧显露通道辅助下椎管扩大椎板成形术,该技术可最大程度保留铰链侧肌肉、韧带的完整性。使用该技术的注意事项:①术中先显露开门侧,于椎板与侧块内缘处用磨钻磨至内层骨皮质,并记录磨除的深度,再于铰链侧置入可扩张通道,根据开门侧的预估深度,用3 mm磨钻头开槽制作铰链。②C3开门不需要离断C2/C3节段的棘间韧带和棘上韧带,C7开门需要离断C7/T1节段的棘间韧带和棘上韧带。本研究组在术中尝试保留C7/T1节段的棘间韧带、棘上韧带,发现开门程度不足,故只能离断。该术式最大的优点是保留了棘突的完整性、没有破坏铰链侧肌肉和韧带在棘突、关节突关节处的附着点,穿刺方法、置入通道大大减少了肌肉、韧带在骨性结构附着点的剥离,从而显著降低了铰链侧肌肉、韧带的损伤,减少了术中出血量和术后引流量。对比文献[16-22]报道中减少铰链侧肌肉、韧带损伤的方法,本研究组认为该方法目前最为微创、有效。


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