脊柱外科杂志  2022, Vol.20 Issue(5): 307-312   PDF    
郭旭朝, 孟钊, 王晨, 朱华, 赵硕, 王飞, 邹岩, 刘俊行     
河北省儿童医院骨科,石家庄 050031
摘要: 目的 通过CT评价10岁以下先天性脊柱侧凸儿童徒手置入胸椎椎弓根螺钉的精确性。方法 回顾性分析2014年12月—2018年12月收治的26例先天性脊柱侧凸患儿临床资料。所有患儿均为单胸弯或胸腰弯,术中依据胸椎解剖标志结合C形臂X线机定位进行徒手置钉。术后在CT上测量螺钉穿破椎体(包括椎弓根)骨皮质内侧、外侧或前侧的距离,<2 mm为准确置钉,≥2 mm为异常置钉。同时记录术中或术后是否发生置钉相关并发症。结果 胸椎区共置入椎弓根螺钉165枚,每例患儿置入6.3±1.8枚螺钉。准确置钉129枚(78.2%),异常置钉36枚(21.8%)。形态异常椎异常置钉率(41.8%,23/55)高于正常椎(11.8%,13/110),且形态异常椎凹侧异常置钉率(77.8%,14/18)高于凸侧(24.3%,9/37);顶椎区异常置钉率(35.0%,21/60)高于非顶椎区(14.3%,15/105),且顶椎区凹侧异常置钉率(50.0%,12/24)高于凸侧(25.0%,9/36);差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术中及术后未发生置钉相关并发症。结论 对10岁以下先天性脊柱侧凸儿童进行胸椎徒手置钉具有较高的精确性,术后很少发生置钉相关并发症。形态异常椎体、顶椎区置钉时需谨慎操作,尤其是这两个区域的凹侧置钉时要慎之又慎。
关键词: 儿童    胸椎    脊柱侧凸    骨钉    
Evaluation of accuracy of thoracic pedicle screw fixation for congenital scoliosis in children based on CT images
Guo Xuzhao, Meng Zhao, Wang Chen, Zhu Hua, Zhao Shuo, Wang Fei, Zou Yan, Liu Junxing     
Department of Orthopaedics, Hebei Children's Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050031, Hebei, China
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the accuracy of freehand thoracic pedicle screw placement in children with congenital scoliosis under 10 years old by CT. Methods The clinical data of 26 children with congenital scoliosis treated from December 2014 to December 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. All the children were single thoracic curvature or thoracolumbar curvature. The pedicle screws were placed by hand during the operation according to the thoracic anatomical landmarks combined with positioning of C-arm X-ray machine. After operation, the distance of screw penetration into the medial, lateral or anterior cortex of the vertebral body(including the pedicle) was measured on CT, < 2 mm as accurate placement, ≥2 mm as abnormal placement. Complications related to pedicle screw placement were also noted during or after the operation. Results A total of 165 pedicle screws were placed in the thoracic region, and 6.3±1.8 screws were placed in each child. The 129(78.2%) screws were accurately placed and 36(21.8%) suffered an abnormal placement. The abnormal placement rate of the abnormal morphology vertebra(41.8%, 23/55) were higher than that of the normal vertebra(11.8%, 13/110), and the abnormal placement rate on the concave side of abnormal morphology vertebra(58.3%, 14/24) was higher than that on the convex side(29.0%, 9/31);the abnormal placement rate in the apical vertebral region(35.0%, 21/60) was higher than that in the non-apical vertebral region(14.3%, 15/105), and the abnormal placement rate on the concave side in the apical vertebral region(50.0%, 12/24) was higher than that in the convex side(25.0%, 9/36);the differences were statistically significant(P < 0.05). No complications related to screw placement occurred during or after the operation. Conclusions Freehand placement of thoracic pedicle screw in children with congenital scoliosis under 10 years old has a high accuracy, and there are few complications related to screw placement after operation. Screw placement in the abnormal vertebral body and the apical region should be cautious, especially on the concave side in the 2 regions.
Key words: Child    Thoracic vertebrae    Scoliosis    Bone nails    


1 资料和方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 术前计划

通过平行于椎弓根纵轴的CT选取椎弓根横断面最宽层面的图像截面,测量椎弓根峡部内径,依此确定椎弓根横径。通过此横径中点并平分椎弓根向椎体前缘画一直线,此直线作为选取椎弓根螺钉长度的依据。螺钉长度为25~45 cm,直径为3.5~5.0 mm。根据术前脊柱全长正侧位X线片、脊柱CT确定融合范围,术中均行唤醒试验。

1.3 椎弓根螺钉置入

采用后正中入路,行骨膜下剥离,显露棘突、椎板、关节突关节及肋横突关节。术中根据Kim等[9]提出的胸椎后方解剖标志来确定进针点。以磨钻去除进针点处骨皮质,以1.5 mm克氏针定位后经C形臂X线机再次透视确认进针点无误后,扩椎钻孔1.5 cm后以标志针进行标记,经C形臂X线机透视确认进针方向满意后,徒手置入椎弓根螺钉。最后透视确认螺钉位置满意。对于存在骨桥、并肋畸形的患儿,在置钉前首先确定畸形所在位置并进行骨桥、并肋切除;对于合并半椎体畸形的患儿,在置钉完毕后完整切除半椎体。

1.4 影像学测量

所有患儿术后均行CT扫描(AQUILION PRIME TSX-302A螺旋CT扫描仪,东芝,日本)。扫描条件:管电压100~120 kV,管电流200 mA,层厚1 mm。应用Image J软件测量相关指标,由同一人测量2次,取平均值。测量指标为椎弓根螺钉穿破椎体(包括椎弓根)骨皮质内侧、外侧或椎体前侧的距离,根据此距离进行分级:1级,<2 mm;2级,2~4 mm;3级,>4 mm[10]。其中1级螺钉为准确置钉,非1级螺钉为异常置钉。根据螺钉所在位置(凸侧还是凹侧,形态正常椎还是异常椎,是否位于顶椎区)分析置钉准确性的差异。形态异常椎椎体存在先天发育异常,如蝴蝶椎、阻滞椎及骨桥相连等非正常发育的椎体。

1.5 观察指标


1.6 统计学处理

采用SPSS 15.0软件对数据进行统计分析。符合正态分布的计量资料以x±s表示;计数资料以例数和百分数表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

26例患儿胸椎区共置入椎弓根螺钉165枚,每例患儿(6.3±1.8)枚。准确置钉129枚(78.2%),异常置钉36枚(21.8%),其中2级22枚(13.3%),3级14枚(8.5%);21枚穿破外侧,13枚穿破内侧,2枚穿破椎体前侧。椎体凸侧和凹侧异常置钉差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,表 1);形态异常椎的异常置钉率高于正常椎(表 2),顶椎区异常置钉率高于非顶椎区(表 3),形态异常椎体凹侧异常置钉率高于凸侧(表 4),顶椎区凹侧异常置钉率高于凸侧(表 5),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术中2处椎弓根螺钉未能置入而放弃,一处位于形态异常椎凹侧,另一处位于顶椎区凸侧。所有患儿术中唤醒成功,双下肢活动未见明显异常,术中及术后未出现神经系统相关并发症,未发生其他置钉相关并发症。

表 1 椎体凸侧和凹侧置钉准确性比较 Tab. 1 Comparison of screw placement accuracy between convex side and concave side

表 2 正常椎和异常椎置钉准确性比较 Tab. 2 Comparison of screw placement accuracy between normal vertebra and abnormal morphology vertebra

表 3 顶椎区和非顶椎区置钉准确性比较 Tab. 3 Comparison of screw placement accuracy between apical vertebral region and non-apical vertebral region

表 4 正常椎和异常椎凸侧与凹侧置钉准确性比较 Tab. 4 Comparison of screw placement accuracy between convex and concave side of vertebrae with normal/abnormal morphology

表 5 顶椎区和非顶椎区凸侧与凹侧置钉准确性比较 Tab. 5 Comparison of screw placement accuracy between convex and concave side in apical/ non-apical vertebral region
3 讨论

椎弓根螺钉内固定技术具有良好的生物力学特性,目前已成为治疗脊柱畸形的常用方法,可以提供坚固的矫形支撑作用,可减少融合节段,保留更多运动节段,从而减少术后并发症的发生。目前越来越多的研究关注椎弓根螺钉置钉精确性的问题。Luo等[8]的研究表明,对于严重的青少年先天性脊柱侧凸患者,徒手置钉的准确性为78%。王岩等[11]指出,仔细、谨慎操作可保证徒手置钉的准确性和安全性。CT评价置钉准确率优于X线片[12],X线片并不适用于判断椎弓根的异常置钉[13]。Ruf等[14]以X线片评估椎弓根螺钉置入的准确性,异常置钉率为3.3%。本研究通过CT评价儿童先天性脊柱侧凸胸椎椎弓根螺钉置钉的精确性,敏感度更高,椎弓根螺钉破壁后更易被发现[15],本研究的置钉准确率为78.2%。Kuklo等[16]的研究显示,对于11~44岁>90°的长节段胸椎侧凸,胸椎椎弓根螺钉置钉的准确率为96.3%。这一结果高于本研究,可能是因为其研究的是11~44岁的患者,随着年龄的增加,椎弓根直径逐渐增大,螺钉的置入难度逐渐减小。Seo等[17]的研究显示,对于10岁以下儿童脊柱畸形患者采用徒手置钉的准确率为94.6%,这一结果也高于本研究,可能的原因为本研究只以胸椎为研究对象,胸椎置钉的难度高于腰椎,故降低了置钉的准确性。此外,术者的操作技术和经验对置钉准确性的影响亦不容忽视。需要注意的是,无论既往研究[14, 17]还是本研究,儿童胸椎椎弓根螺钉内固定均很少发生并发症,因此,在临床中除发生相关并发症等特殊情况外,不推荐常规进行术后CT检查,以减少对患儿的辐射。


本研究中,螺钉穿破内壁13枚,9枚为2级置钉、4枚为3级置钉;21枚穿破外壁,11枚为2级置钉、10枚为3级置钉;2枚穿破椎体前壁,均发生在异常椎体,本研究术前对每个置钉椎体的椎弓根进行了详细的测量,从而降低了螺钉突破椎体前缘的发生率。Polly等[20]认为,对于椎弓根内侧壁,螺钉穿破距离<2 mm是安全的,2~4 mm可能安全,>4 mm且<8 mm存在危险。也有研究[21]认为,脊髓到胸椎椎弓根内侧壁有超过4.5 mm的安全距离。因内壁内侧为脊髓,故穿破内壁的危险性更大,本研究中穿破内壁的3级螺钉距离未超过4.5 mm,虽然存在危险,但术后未发生与神经损伤相关的并发症,同时亦未发生血管、神经或内脏损伤等置钉相关的其他并发症。这可能提示儿童椎管有足够空间容纳错位的椎弓根螺钉,不会导致脊髓损伤,但并不能代表未发生螺钉与脊髓的接触甚至对脊髓的隐匿性损伤,因此,在置钉过程中须谨记宁外勿内的置钉原则。


随着科技的发展,数字化或计算机辅助下的外科手术逐步向精准化、智能化发展,如多模式信息融合、形态感知技术、骨科机器人等,但目前都未发展成熟[22]。有学者[23]指出,O形臂X线机导航辅助置钉的准确性优于传统徒手置钉。张少杰等[24]通过数字化导航模板辅助儿童胸椎椎弓根螺钉置钉,准确率为81%。术中CT导航技术可以提供脊柱的即时三维图像,有助于医师更好地选择置钉的部位和方向,提高置钉准确性,降低异常置钉率[14]。但不容忽视的一个问题是术中辐射对患儿的影响。有研究[25]表明,术中应用CT导航置钉的准确率高于非导航置钉,但手术时间平均要长0.5 h,有效射线的暴露量高于非导航置钉,但差异无统计学意义。而另一项研究[26]表明,对于儿童和青少年来说,在接受同样的辐射剂量后发生恶性肿瘤的风险要高于成年人,即便是应用最新的低剂量CT,亦不能降低恶性肿瘤的发生率。如何平衡置钉准确性与辐射损伤,已成为关注焦点,目前脊柱图像导引系统结合flash动画的应用[27]是一个不错的选择,这项技术相对于术中CT导航来说不仅提高了置钉的准确性,降低了翻修率,缩短了手术时间,同时减少了电离辐射对患者的损伤,但该技术尚未大范围应用,有待进一步推广。


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