脊柱外科杂志  2023, Vol.21 Issue(1): 7-12   PDF    
刘小雷1, 张锦飙2, 孙中仪3, 于潇1, 江起庭2, 田纪伟3, 汪海滨1     
1. 南京医科大学第四附属医院骨科, 南京 210031;
2. 南通大学附属南京江北医院骨科, 南京 210044;
3. 南京医科大学附属明基医院骨科, 南京 210019
摘要: 目的 探讨经皮椎体强化术的手术时机对老年骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折(OVCF)治疗效果的影响。方法 2018年12月—2020年6月,南京医科大学第四附属医院采用椎体强化术治疗老年单节段OVCF患者148例,按照骨折至手术时间分为急性期组(≤14 d,76例)和非急性期组(> 14 d,72例)。比较2组围手术期及末次随访时各数据指标。结果 所有手术顺利完成,未发生脊髓神经损伤等并发症。所有患者随访12~24(15.42±3.84)个月。在骨水泥注入量、骨水泥弥散情况、术后椎体前缘高度(AVH)百分比、椎体中部高度(CVH)百分比及伤椎复位效果方面,急性期组优于非急性期组,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。末次随访时,2组骨密度T值、邻近椎体骨折情况,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);在残余痛、椎体高度丢失、疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分、Cobb角、AVH百分比及CVH百分比方面,急性期组优于非急性期组,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论 急性期采用椎体强化术治疗老年单节段OVCF,可有效恢复伤椎高度,术中骨水泥弥散良好,远期随访椎体高度丢失、邻近椎体骨折及残余痛的发生率较低。
关键词: 胸椎    腰椎    骨折, 压缩性    骨质疏松    椎体成形术    椎体后凸成形术    
Effects of operation timing of percutaneous vertebral augmentation surgery on treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in elderly
Liu Xiaolei1, Zhang Jinbiao2, Sun Zhongyi3, Yu Xiao1, Jiang Qiting2, Tian Jiwei3, Wang Haibin1     
1. Department of Orthopaedics, Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210031, Jiangsu, China;
2. Department of Orthopaedics, Nanjing Jiangbei Hospital, Nantong University, Nanjing 210044, Jiangsu, China;
3. Department of Orthopaedics, BenQ Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210019, Jiangsu, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of the operation timing of percutaneous vertebral augmentation surgery on the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures(OVCF) in the elderly. Methods From December 2018 to June 2020, 148 elderly patients with single-segment OVCF were treated with vertebral augmentation surgery in the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. According to the time from fracture to surgery, the patients were divided into acute group(≤ 14 d, 76 cases) and non-acute group(> 14 d, 72 cases). The data of the 2 groups during the perioperative period and the final follow-up were compared. Results All the operations were successfully completed without any complications such as spinal cord nerve injury. All the patients were followed up for 12-24(15.42±3.84)months. In terms of the amount of bone cement injected, the dispersion of bone cement, the percentage of anterior vertebral height(AVH), the percentage of central vertebral height(CVH), and the reduction effect of injured vertebrae, the acute group was superior to the non-acute group, and the differences were statistically significant(P < 0.05). At the final follow-up, there was no significant difference between the 2 groups in T value of bone mineral density and adjacent vertebral fracture(P > 0.05);in terms of residual pain, vertebral height loss, visual analogue scale(VAS) score, Cobb angle, AVH percentage and CVH percentage, the acute group was superior to the non-acute group, and the differences were statistically significant(P < 0.05). Conclusion Vertebral augmentation surgery for the treatment of elderly single-segment OVCF in the acute stage can effectively restore the injured vertebral height, with good bone cement dispersion, and the incidence of vertebral height loss, adjacent vertebral fracture and residual pain during long-term follow-up is low.
Key words: Thoracic vertebrae    Lumbar vertebrae    Fractures, compression    Osteoporosis    Vertebroplasty    Kyphoplasty    

随着全球老龄化进程的加快,老年骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折(OVCF)的发生率逐年增加[1-2],若不及时进行临床干预,极易演化为Kummell病,导致顽固性腰痛、脊柱后凸畸形等[3]。对于急性症状性OVCF,德国骨科及创伤协会(DGOU)提出骨质疏松骨折(DGOU-OF)分型及OF评分系统[4-5],建议OF 1~2型且评分 > 6分的患者行微创手术治疗,早期恢复生活自理能力。目前,以经皮椎体后凸成形术(PKP)及经皮椎体成形术(PVP)为代表的椎体强化术广泛用于OVCF的治疗[6],其可有效缓解疼痛、强化椎体,患者术后早期即可进行功能锻炼,避免发生卧床相关并发症[7]。然而,有研究[8-9]证实,OVCF手术时机的选择是影响疗效的关键因素之一。何时行椎体强化术不仅与手术的难易程度、风险大小密切相关,也影响术中骨水泥的分布、伤椎生物力学稳定性、术后远期椎体高度丢失及邻近椎体骨折的发生情况。骨折时间越长,伤椎血肿机化越容易引起骨折畸形愈合,导致伤椎高度复位不佳;同时,骨折间隙变窄而致骨水泥注入量减少、骨水泥弥散欠佳,降低伤椎生物力学稳定。因此,手术时机的选择是影响OVCF远期疗效的关键因素之一。本研究通过对比急性期和非急性期采用椎体强化术治疗的老年单节段OVCF患者围手术期及末次随访资料,探讨OVCF治疗的手术时机选择,为临床提供手术时机选择参考。

1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料

纳入标准:①年龄 > 65岁;②低能量损伤(轻微暴力外伤)导致的单节段胸腰椎骨折(T11~L5);③根据外伤史、体格检查、骨密度及MRI检查明确诊断为OVCF;④DGOU-OF分型为OF 1~2型,且OF评分 > 6分;⑤骨折时间 < 3个月。排除标准:①伴脊髓神经损伤;②椎体高度压缩比 > 40%;③严重凝血功能障碍;④伴严重内科疾病无法手术;⑤后柱损伤、椎弓根断裂移位;⑥Kummell病。

根据上述标准,纳入2018年12月—2020年6月南京医科大学第四附属医院采用椎体强化术治疗的老年单节段OVCF患者148例,按照骨折至手术时间分为急性期组(≤14 d,76例)和非急性期组(> 14 d,72例)。急性期组11例伴腰背肌筋膜炎、6例伴压疮、13例伴下肢静脉血栓(其中1例为深静脉血栓);非急性期组22例伴腰背肌筋膜炎、15例伴压疮、24例伴下肢静脉血栓(其中5例为深静脉血栓)。2组术前一般资料差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05,表 1)。

表 1 2组患者术前资料 Tab. 1 Preoperative data of 2 groups
1.2 手术方法及术后处理

根据术前X线片上伤椎压缩程度,高度丢失≥25%采用PKP治疗,< 25%采用PVP治疗。

PVP治疗:常规C形臂X线机透视定位并标记伤椎两侧椎弓根。消毒、铺巾,采用局部麻醉,在距椎弓根体表标志约1 cm处做一5 mm的切口,椎弓根钻子外展合适角度平行伤椎终板插入双侧椎弓根,透视确认正侧位均在椎弓根投影内,角度、位置良好。插入导针至椎体前缘并拧入扩孔套筒,在透视下将套筒插至椎体后缘前约3 mm建立通道。然后将絮状明胶海绵塞入套筒内,并调整靠近椎体破损区域。调制骨水泥至拉丝状后向椎体内注入。手术过程中注意观察有无骨水泥渗漏,若发生渗漏则立刻停止操作并了解患者有无不适。


术后1 d患者可佩戴腰部支具下床活动;术后进行规范抗骨质疏松治疗,包括基础药物治疗(钙剂+维生素D)和抗骨质疏松药物治疗(每年静滴一次5 mg唑来膦酸);术后3 d复查X线片及CT,观察骨水泥分布情况及有无渗漏。

1.3 评价指标

术后定期复查X线片及CT。侧位X线片示骨水泥弥散至椎体前柱,正位X线片示骨水泥弥散至椎体中央部分且分布到上下终板为骨水泥弥散良好。在侧位X线片上测量椎体高度,包括椎体前缘高度(AVH)和椎体中部高度(CVH)。椎体高度百分比(%)=(2×伤椎高度)/(上位椎体高度+下位椎体高度)×100%,术后椎体高度百分比大于术前且 > 90%定义为椎体复位良好;术后椎体高度丢失≥15%或椎体局部后凸角度增加≥10°定义为椎体高度丢失[10]。在X线片及CT上观察骨水泥渗漏情况。采用VAS评分[11]评估疼痛程度,VAS评分≥4分[12]定义为残余痛。采用ODI[13]评估功能改善情况。

1.4 统计学处理

采用SPSS 26.00软件对数据进行统计分析。符合正态分布的计量资料以x±s表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;计数资料以频数表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 围手术期

所有手术顺利完成,未发生脊髓神经损伤等并发症。非急性期组5例深静脉血栓及急性期组1例深静脉血栓患者均行下肢滤器置入术后再行手术治疗。2组在手术方式、手术时间、VAS评分、ODI、骨水泥渗漏方面,差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05,表 2);在骨水泥注入量、骨水泥弥散情况、AVH百分比、CVH百分比及复位效果方面,急性期组优于非急性期组,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05,表 2)。

表 2 2组围手术期临床资料 Tab. 2 Perioperative clinical data of 2 groups
2.2 末次随访

所有患者随访12~24(15.42±3.84)个月。末次随访时,2组邻近椎体骨折、骨密度T值情况,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05,表 3);在残余痛、椎体高度丢失、VAS评分、Cobb角、AVH百分比及CVH百分比方面,急性期组优于非急性期组,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05,表 3)。2组典型病例影像学资料见图 12

表 3 2组患者末次随访资料 Tab. 3 Final follow-up data of 2 groups

图 1 急性期组典型病例影像学资料 Fig. 1 Imaging data of a typical case of acute group 女,77岁,L2 OVCF,骨折至手术时间为9 d   a、b:术前X线片和CT示椎体高度丢失,椎体压缩30%   c、d:术前MRI T1加权像示椎体低信号,T2抑脂像示高信号  e:PKP术后X线片示骨水泥弥散良好,椎体高度恢复至96%   f:末次随访X线片未见椎体塌陷 Female, 77 years old, L2 OVCF, time from fracture to operation is 9 d   a, b: Preoperative roentgenograph and CT show loss of vertebral height and 30% vertebral compression   c, d: Preoperative MRI T1 weight image shows hypointensity signal, T2 fat suppression image shows hyperintensity signal   e: Roentgenograph after PKP shows bone cement is well dispersed, and vertebral height is restored to 96%   f: Roentgenograph at final follow-up shows no vertebral collapse

图 2 非急性期组典型病例影像学资料 Fig. 2 Imaging data of a typical case of non-acute group 男,70岁,T12 OVCF,骨折至手术时间为21 d   a:术前X线片示T12椎体高度丢失,椎体压缩32%   b、c:术前MRI T1加权像示椎体低信号,T2抑脂像示高低信号混杂  d:PKP术后X线片示骨水泥弥散欠佳(未完全填充前柱),椎体高度丢失23%   e、f:术后14个月MRI示T12椎体高度丢失、T11压缩骨折及轻微后凸畸形 Male, 70 years old, T12 OVCF, time from fracture to operation is 21 d   a: Preoperative roentgenograph shows loss of vertebral height and 32% vertebral height compression   b, c: Preoperative MRI T1 weight image shows hypointensity signal, T2 fat suppression image shows mixed hyperintensity and hypointensity signals   d: Roentgenograph after PKP shows poor dispersion of bone cement(incomplete filling of anterior column) and 23% of loss of vertebral height   e, f: MRIs at postoperative 14 months show T12 vertebral height loss, T11 compression fracture with slight kyphosis
3 讨论







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